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  • About testruns.ca:

    This site displays information protaining to the speedruns and strategies of JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future and Toy Story 3: The Video Game.

    It was originally created on Classic Google Sites by olo_ili in March 2020 and is hugely based on Cole's mkwrs.com WR history site.

    Admin Contact Info:

    Discord: olo ili#3963

    Twitter: ili_olo
    Help with history:

    Jabro, Crabbi, FingerQuick, flashy, YayodelaRiva.

    Special huge thanks to Daft7 for helping with updates, archiving, stats and Cole for creating the template for this site.


    Why make this site?

    This site was created because the main Speedrun.com leaderboard was lacking several components, and having only a few historical runs submitted.
    Why only Test Runs?

    The Test Run World Record History is considerably more documented than that of the full game speedruns. To see the full game World Record History, visit the jsrfspeedruns.com website.
    Why do some runs not have video proof / links?

    The majority of runs that do not contain media proof are taken from the either the Cyberscore Leaderboards, or from a trusted source. These runs are only verified if they are deemed likely enough to have happened during the time they were set (ex. FUKA63’s Dogenzaka Hill Jet Dash WR from 2008), or if the run was witnessed / claimed by a trusted runner with photo proof of the Rankings Screen.
    When I click on a WR History page, and some of the stats pages, it looks like they aren’t updated?

    This is often true. Since there is no automatic update system across multiple pages, all of the info is entered manually. These pages which would be very tedious to update for every new record being set, will likely be updated whenever. All of the Current World Record pages however, are updated within a day or two of a new record being set.
    How can I submit a run?

    Join the testruns.ca discord to talk to a moderator, or message me on discord.
    Are Emulators allowed?

    This website is in no way affiliated with Sega, Smilebit, Microsoft, or any other third parties.